Dispersion Modeling

Dispersion Modeling

disp modelRisk Management Professionals (RMP) has extensive experience providing accurate and high-quality dispersion modeling services. Whether for design purposes or compliance with state/federal regulations, RMP’s engineers will assist facilities in their dispersion modeling needs.

RMP has provided dispersion modeling for numerous clients in various industries:

  • Chemical Processing
  • Oil & Gas
  • Water Treatment
  • Ammonia Refrigeration
  • Power & Energy
  • Chemical Plating and Etching

RMP utilizes the most recent software to provide accurate modeling for a wide variety of release scenarios. RMP specifically employs:

  • SLAB
  • RMP*Comp

RMP’s engineers are highly adept at utilizing site specific data to provide accurate modeling. This includes up-to-date weather, temperature, and terrain data and a customized approach to ensure the correct type of release is modeled.

Additionally, RMP’s engineers have experience addressing releases which incorporate mitigation features including, but not limited to, the following common installations:

  • Containment Systems
  • Scrubber and Ventilation Systems

RMP’s engineers will tailor the dispersion modeling to comply with regulatory requirements. Whether evaluating worst-case or alternative release scenarios, RMP will ensure the facility’s modeling is in compliance and accurate modeling is implemented. In all cases, RMP will provide clients and government agencies with a thorough report of the dispersion modeling, outlining the methodology, assumptions and results.

As necessary, RMP has provided support for facilities during public and regulatory meetings to assist in explanation of the dispersion modeling.